Jumat, 23 September 2011

Masa Tua

Berapakah usia untuk disebut tua?Apakah diatas 55 atau 65 tahun ?  Apakah kalau sudah 80 tahun? Terus kalau sudah merasa menjadi  tua mau ngapain ? Apa yang aka dan bisa dilakukan ?Mau tidur – tiduran di kursi malas ? Duduk di depan TV nonton sinetronsambil baca koran ? Atau menunggu…. ? Menunggu pagi berganti sore dan malam berganti siang….
Menjadi tua … pasti akan dialami oleh setiap orang kondisi memang tidak dapat dihindari , juga tidak dapat ditolak . Tidak hanya kaum wanita yang takut tua sehingga wanita sering menjadi korban produk anti penuaan , keriput , takut melihat flek – flek hitam yang menggurat wajah , takut menghadapi ketidaknyamanan pada kesehatan tubuh – sakit ini , nyeri itu , takut vitalitas tubu menurun . Takut dan khawatir akan banyak hal selalu dating silih berganti .
Ada yang belim genap berusia 55 tahun dan sudah seperti aki-aki/nini-nini yang kehilangan gairah hidup dan malas beraktivitas . Kemarin badannnya lesu , hari ini kakinya pegal-egal . Malam susah tidur , pagi kepalanya pusing . Dia sudah seperti apotik berjalan dengan setumpuk obat-obatan di dalam tasnya .
Tapia da juga yang sudah berusia di atas 65 tahun dan terlihat masih energik , kuat dan bugar . Masih disiplin berolah raga , memelihara pola hidup sehat juga mengaktifkan pikiran dengan mengurus berbagai macam kegiatan kemanusiaan dan tetap menjadi panutan bagi anak dan cucunya .
Tua bukanlah alas an untuk tidak berkontribusi lagi . Tua bukan berarti sudah tidak dapt memberikan manfaat pada lingkungan dan sesame . Tua bukan berarti jompo dan sakit-sakitan atau malah menjadi orang yang “ditinggal di belakang” . Bukan pula untuk menghitung jumlah umur yang semakin bertambah dalam hidup angka tapi berkurang dalam waktu .
Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa orang tua bagaikan mobil kuno yang sebaiknya disimpan di garasi saja . Maaf!. Tapi ayahandaRaja Salomo pernah berkata walaupun sudah tua , orang benar akan tetap berguna dan senantiasa menjadi berkat bagi orang lain . “Pada masa tuapun merekan masi berbuah , menjadi gemuk dan segar , untuk memberitakan bahwa Tuhan itu benar….”, tulislah
Menurut Psikolog Erik Erikson manusia dewasa menghadapi dua kemungkinan perkembangan yaitu stagnasi atau generatif . Ciri stagnasi adalah perasaan bahwa hidup tidak mempunyai arti lagi , membosankan dan tidak ada gunanya . Atau perasaan ingin mendapatb kepuasan misalnya harta , kuasa , pengaruh dsb , yang sebanyak-banyaknya selagi masih hidup . Orang stagnasi beorientasi pada diri dirinya sendiri , mementingkan dan mencemaskan diri sendiri . Hidupnya berhenti atau mandeg di situ . Sedangkan ciri generatif adalah keprihatinan untuk menyebarkan atau mewariskan nilai-nilai hidup , seperti kebenaran , keadilan , kejujuran , kesetiaan , ketagwaan dan sebagainya ke[pada orang-orang di sekitarnya atau generasi selanjutnya baik di kalangan keluarga sendiri maupun pihak lain . Menurut Erik Erikson tahap generatif dapat menjadi meningkat menjadi tahap integritas, di mana oranglanjut usia memandang hifupnya sebuah mata rantai serta penerus roda kehidupan manusia . Ia memandang masa lampaunya dengan rasa lega dan mengambil hikmah dari kesulitan dan pengalaman pahitnya . Ia merasa puas dengan hidupnya dan mengintegrasikan masa lampaunya itu dengan masa kini dan masa depannya . Ia mensyukuri hidupnya yang dinampakkan dalam relasinya dengan Tuhan dan sesamanya . Hidupnya pada masa tua mempunyai kualitas yang berguna bagi dirinya sendiri dan orang lain juga .
Tergantung dari sisi mana masing-masing orang memandang dan mau mempersiapkan diri untuk menjalani masa tua itu . Tentunya boleh dengan sedikit pernungan bahwa:
Tua adalah anugerah Tuhan untuk melihat kebesaran dan kemuliaanNya dengan keleluasaan waktu yang lebih bebas , misalnya dengan memperbanyak ibadah .
Tua adalah kesempatan untuk terus memperbaiki dan sehingga menjadi ‘mutiara’ yang dapat dipersembahkan kembali pada dunia dan sesama , sebagai rasa syukur .
Tua  adalah waktu untuk melakukan kegiatanyang tidak pernah sempat dilakukan sebelumnya karena kesibukan masa muda . Bagi yang jarang bersosialisasi .
Tua adalah suka cita akan suatu pengharapan bahwa sebagian besar tugas hidup ini sudah diselesaikan . Melihat anak-anak sudah besar dan sukses .
Tua adalah saatnya untuk berbagi pengalaman hidup baik pada sesame usia dan juga bagi generasi penerus .
Tua adalah masa bahagia untuk menikmati hidup dari hasil kerja selama lebih dari 30 atau 40 tahun yang telah berlalu . Bagi yang gemar menabung .
Menjadi tua …. Itu pasti, menjadi tua tapi sehat fisik , hati dan pikiran dan…. Menjadi bahagia itu pilihan . Yang jelas , bagi orang beriman , dia bisa meyakini bahwa Tuhan akan tetap menyertai sampai masa tuanya dan sampai masa putih rambutnya . Are you ready….?

Kamis, 15 September 2011

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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Happy Trails, America! But Where Are They?

Judging by the current national sentiment, Uncle Sam has once again wandered off the happy trails on which we'd prefer him to ride. But can we, just the usual joshing sidekick, possibly help him wend his way back through the tumbleweeds? Well, at least, we can give it a go.

To begin, let's ask how the most sagely free and prosperous nation can often wander so distressingly far from the path on which we may find the preconditions of contentment, including the wide laudation of our allies and even encouragement toward our own bliss?

What if we search for clues by separating what has guided us, nationally and internationally, into two visions: the steps we, as a nation, must take and the steps we choose to take.

Since we don't have much choice about what necessity compels, we're more likely to mend our ways by casting a savvy eye on what we do by volition. But just to review the various paths before us, so we find our way home with unsurpassable security, let's briefly explore the less promising paths for remediation.

Where does the ancient bugaboo, necessity, compel us to tread?

Nationally, pretty much all that's here is comparatively tame – the generally recognized roles of government, such as providing for the common defense, which, of course, includes whacking terrorist everywhere, preserving the right of our citizens to wake up each morning and be free to decide what they'd like to do, if only they didn't have to go to work, and effecting the timely filling of potholes.

Internationally, we must, of course, cultivate our allies, encourage our biggest adversaries toward reassuring behavior; and do what we can to facilitate the rewards of almost-fair trade.

Since we have little or no choice about the above, we can only regard them as signposts along the trail we ought to be on or as unavoidable gopher holes we ought to approach very carefully.

Now, we come to the first signs of hope for a homeward-bound revelation – the things we actually have a choice about. And what do we see? Nothing less than where we have wandered from our happy trails.

First, nationally, we can actually choose to provide for the usual litany of things we ought to have had a long time ago, like schools we send our kids to with confidence they will return safely and filled with "news about the square of the hypotenuse," healthcare we can afford without eviscerating our wallets, air we can inhale without significantly eroding the longevity of our lungs, and water we can drink that flows freely from our faucets. We might as individuals also choose to conduct ourselves so that we contribute to a mutually sane society, and the various vociferous factions who would impose their advocacies on all of us might reacquaint themselves with the delights of national diversity.

Now, at long last come to the point in the trail where, we think, Uncle Sam has most egregiously lost his way, that is, we have set our eyes on the things America can choose to do internationally. Here is, in fact, the very spot where we have stumbled off of our happy trails so regularly one might conclude Uncle Sam has, with some frequency, reached into his saddlebag for a sip of 80-proof guidance.

At this suspect location, we have all too often decided that the way to solve our problems internationally is to go to war. We're not, of course, referring to the big wars, which necessity compels us to participate in, like World Wars I and II, and, just maybe, Korea. But the wars we have elected to take part in, the most wretched examples of misguidance being Viet Nam and now Iraq. These distant guns never had to sound and we never had to incur the remorseful loss of life or the economically debilitating expense of them.

But before we can stop wandering off into these woeful misadventures, we have to see an alternative path – one that definitely keeps us on our happy trails. And what might that revolutionary and salutary remediation in our international conduct consist of?

We think, having arrived at this point in our brief but perspicacious way home, that the answer is right before our eyes. Rather than warring to achieve our goals, we should, working with our allies and all the friends we can attract, use our naturally encouraging disposition and persuasive economic power to bring along nations that would actually like to be free and democratic, while we let the ones that have a problem with these self-evidently superior ideals go their own self-defeating ways.Then we would affably cultivate a world of successful emerging democracies, while our comparatively faltering antagonists would be confronted with examples that reiterate the error of their ways.

As a result, we would find ourselves, not exhausted gladiators of a reluctant empire, but happy emissaries of freedom and plenty. We would inhabit, not a world that can scapegoat us for its myriad self-inflicted agonies, but a world populated more and more by exemplars of the ways we advocate, such prosperous recipients of our benefactions that they might, we expect, actually have some unusually complimentary things to say about us.

And, speaking of exemplars, now that we would have replenished our eviscerated national treasury, we could also afford to provide our own citizenry with the sort of support systems the world's wealthiest nation should have long ago been able to provide abundantly.

We have now wandered, though briefly, enough in our search for the way back to happy trails to know exactly the fork that has often us astray: international conduct about which we have a choice.

What we need is not the coercion of those who disagree with us, but the encouragement of those who wish to emulate us. What we need is America, not so much as a feared power, but more as a nourishing example of what we consider the most salutary principles.

We might, with these choices, actually achieve our goals internationally – and in ways that help us achieve our goals nationally.

Yes, often-wayward Uncle, with such signposts, we might once again find ourselves on happy trails – and know, for the first time, how to keep ourselves and our fabled white charger squarely on them.

SOURCE: http://www.readbud.com/Articles/Humor/Happy-Trails,-America_33_--But-Where-Are-They_63_

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

How To Get More Web Site Traffic From Free Techniques

 Creating and operating a website is really quite easy when compared to generating targeted site traffic. So many people try so many different things in the hopes of obtaining more web site traffic. The only problem, though, is that they aren't getting their information from a reliable source. This, therefore, leads them to scams and "one step" solutions that never seem to work.

If this sounds at all like you, then it will do you good to read the following information. The tips below can and will help you generate more web site traffic for free; all you have to do is read & utilize them.

Tip 1: Choose a domain name people can remember. This tip is pure common sense, but it is surprising how many people tend to ignore it. Choose something simple and to the point; a a domain name that can be typed at a moments notice. If the domain you want is taken, buy a different extension, such as .net or .info; or, come up with a domain name that is entirely different.

There is no point in sacrificing the quality of your websites domain name (adding dashes between words for instance) just because you didn't get the name you originally wanted. An easily typed and memorable domain name is an essential part of a successful website.

Tip 2: Join some niche forums and begin posting. The more targeted the forum the better. After all, if you are going to contribute your time to a forum, you're going to want to make sure that it's actually worth it. For example, if your website is on dirt bike tricks, it won't do much good to post in a forum dedicated to gardening.

Spend some time on the forum and get to know the members. Genuinely be interested in the topic and offer advice freely to anyone who needs help. After awhile, you will be seen as a trusted member and qualified expert, which means it won't be hard to convince fellow members to visit your professional and highly informative website. Also, don't forget to add an attention grabbing signature file containing your websites URL, as it will be attached to each post you make.

Tip 3: Offer to be a moderator in those niche forums. Once you have established yourself as a "trusted member", try signing up for a moderator position. As you probably know, most moderators are unpaid volunteers. However, that doesn't mean they are not without benefits.

Typically, moderator benefits come in the form of advertising. This may not be the case for all forums, but it is for a number of them. Forum moderators will get a chance to advertise their own website throughout the forum, which is not through their signature file like everyone else. Usually, the moderators will get access to specific banner ads or text links at different times of the week.

Obviously, the more active you are with moderating, the more credit you will receive in the eyes of the forum admin; which will result in more time for your advertisement, whether it be a text link or banner ad.

Tip 4: Create an instructional or informative video on your chosen topic. People love to watch "how to" videos to learn, so if your topic will allow you to create a "how to" video, you should make one asap. With your video, be as descriptive as possible and answer some of the questions that you think a viewer might have. However, the trick is not to answer all of the questions. The video has to leave them wanting more, which is precisely what you will give them if they choose to visit your website. Upload the video to Youtube, as well as other video broadcasting websites, and be sure to give it an appropriate title. Use keywords in the title to get more web site traffic from the video.

Tip 5: Start an article marketing campaign. Article marketing is unbelievably powerful and all it requires from you is time and information. With the assumption that you are an expert on your selected topic, begin writing as many articles as possible. Turn anything and everything you know into informative, interesting articles Basically, type until you can't possibly type anymore.

A good round number for article marketing is 20 articles per week, but if you can't handle that much work, knock it down to 10. With each article you write, make sure you have an excellent title and even better content (keywords should be included in both). Then, create a captivating resource box that grabs the readers attention. You don't have to create one for every article you write; about 1 or 2 should be enough (quick note: testing is a big part of coming up with an effective resource box; so don't be afraid to try new resource boxes). Once you have your articles written and ready to go, it will be time to submit them.

Submit each article to Ezinearticles.com. They are the number one article directory and Google loves them to death; which means more web site traffic for you. With a platinum membership, your article should be approved within 24-48 hours. To speed things up for yourself, make sure you always follow their editorial guidelines. Mistakes with your articles will cost time, and the more time you lose, the more web site traffic you lose out on.

After you have submitted the articles to ezinearticles.com, you can then distribute them to as many other article directories as you want. Some would advise against this due to duplicate content penalties, but it is a minor issue that most people never even come across. If "duplicate content" penalties have you spooked, simply rewrite the article slightly and change 30% of it. This will allow the article to slip past duplicate content alarms, if there even are any.

Once your articles are submitted, simply sit back and wait for the free web site traffic to roll in.

As you can see, you don't have to shell out hundreds of dollars to generate more web site traffic. All you have to do is educate yourself on the free techniques that can be used and then get to work. 

SOURCE : http://www.readbud.com/Articles/Web-Hosting/How-To-Get-More-Web-Site-Traffic-From-Free-Techniques

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Paypal Fraud, Paypal Email Scams and Avoiding Paypal Phishing

To access a Paypal account you need to have the username and password of the account. The username of a Paypal account is the main email address (primary email address) used to register the account. The owner of the account would also set up a password to be used along with the username to access the account. The security system is quite secure as long as the username and password of the Paypal account are known only to the actual owner of the account. If these details are available to anyone else it would mean that the security of that Paypal account has been compromised. Anyone acquiring the username and password of any Paypal account can access and perform all functions that the actual owner of the account could do.

In this article we will try to explain in simple terms how confidential login information of an actual Paypal account owner can be robbed and misused. We will then provide important and simple suggestions that would reduce the chances of such a fraud being committed on your Paypal account.

(a) Being careless with your information: This type of Paypal fraud can be committed very easily and does not require too much effort on the part of the fraudster. Users very often write down their login details for various websites with the fear of forgetting them. Anyone having access to these written details can login to the Paypal account and treat the account as if it was his own. Another possibility that could easily open a Paypal account to fraud is when the user selects a very simple or easy password that can be easily guessed. People with bad intentions need to make a few guesses before they arrive at the correct password to enter the Paypal account. These are the simplest ways in which a Paypal fraud can be committed and they do not require any email scam to be done.

(b) Identity theft through a Paypal email scam: Paypal phishing or identity theft as it is commonly known, involves an attempt by a fraudster to extract the login details of a Paypal account from the actual owner of the account. Armed with these detais, the fraudster can be very dangerous as full control of the Paypal account can be excercised. In this case, emails will be randomly sent to many email addresses informing the receiver of a certain activity in their Paypal account. For these Paypal email scams to work, the receiver of the email will need to login to his Paypal account by clicking a link on the email. The exact contents of each Paypal email scam might differ but the objective remains the same. Once the user clicks the link in the email, he is taken to a web page that closely resembles a regular Paypal login page. This page is infact a fake and is hosted by the fraudster (not Paypal) with the sole purpose of collecting confidential login details from the actual owner of the Paypal account. If the owner of the Paypal account falls for this trick, his account will soon be operated by the fraudster and this could lead to heavy losses. Attempts to phish Paypal accounts have become quite common and each time a fraudster unleashes his cruel trick a number of innocent Paypal accounts become victims.

The above two methods account for a major share of Paypal frauds and Paypal email scams being committed in recent times. It is not very difficult to stay clear from these frauds and we provide some useful suggestions to help you. You really do not have to give up using your Paypal account with the fear of it being misused or phished by someone else. The internet provides numerous advantages when it comes to selling and buying online and to surrender these benefits to a pack of fradusters would be sad.

Avoiding Paypal fraud and Paypal email scams.
(1) About your Paypal password: Choose a password that is not very easy to guess. Using your first or last name for your Paypal password is not a very good idea. Paypal frauds can be committed easily if you note your pass word in places that are accessible to others. Change your password periodically and whenever you suspect that you have become a victim of a Paypal email scam or other type of Paypal fraud.

(2) Clicking links to login: Never click links on emails to access your Paypal account. Always use your web browser and type in the complete name of the Paypal website to login. Paypal email scams urge you to click a link on the email and access your website. The login information is then saved to a website that is not a Paypal website. This allows fraudsters to login to your Paypal account and make transactions on your account.

(3) Periodic account check: Login to your account periodically and look for any strange or unexpected transactions. The transactions could relate to a receipt or payment of money. If you notice any abnormal movement in your Paypal account, consider it to be a Paypal fraud and inform Paypal immediately. Also change the password immediately to reduce the chances of further damage.

(4) Logging out of your account: If you are in the habit of logging into your Paypal account and then leaving the active account minimized on your browser, you could be helping someone commit frauds on your Paypal account very easily. Such security lapses do not require email scams or other methods. Always logout of your Paypal account once you have finished working on it or when you will not be using it for a couple of minutes.

Follow the above suggestions and you will be pleased with the results. Your Paypal account will be a lot safer and you will at the same time, reap the benefits of transacting online. The contents of this article have been compiled by the network team at Kaisilver. We request you to forward this link to all your friends and acquaintences, they will be grateful that you let them know about a safe way to work with their Paypal account. 

SUMBER : http://www.readbud.com/Articles/Security/Paypal-Fraud,-Paypal-Email-Scams-and-Avoiding-Paypal-Phishing

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Fact and Truth

Thought experiments (Gedankenexperimenten) are "facts" in the sense that they have a "real life" correlate in the form of electrochemical activity in the brain. But it is quite obvious that they do not relate to facts "out there". They are not true statements.

But do they lack truth because they do not relate to facts? How are Truth and Fact interrelated?

One answer is that Truth pertains to the possibility that an event will occur. If true – it must occur and if false – it cannot occur. This is a binary world of extreme existential conditions. Must all possible events occur? Of course not. If they do not occur would they still be true? Must a statement have a real life correlate to be true?

Instinctively, the answer is yes. We cannot conceive of a thought divorced from brainwaves. A statement which remains a mere potential seems to exist only in the nether land between truth and falsity. It becomes true only by materializing, by occurring, by matching up with real life. If we could prove that it will never do so, we would have felt justified in classifying it as false. This is the outgrowth of millennia of concrete, Aristotelian logic. Logical statements talk about the world and, therefore, if a statement cannot be shown to relate directly to the world, it is not true.

This approach, however, is the outcome of some underlying assumptions:

First, that the world is finite and also close to its end. To say that something that did not happen cannot be true is to say that it will never happen (i.e., to say that time and space – the world – are finite and are about to end momentarily).

Second, truth and falsity are assumed to be mutually exclusive. Quantum and fuzzy logics have long laid this one to rest. There are real world situations that are both true and not-true. A particle can "be" in two places at the same time. This fuzzy logic is incompatible with our daily experiences but if there is anything that we have learnt from physics in the last seven decades it is that the world is incompatible with our daily experiences.

The third assumption is that the psychic realm is but a subset of the material one. We are membranes with a very particular hole-size. We filter through only well defined types of experiences, are equipped with limited (and evolutionarily biased) senses, programmed in a way which tends to sustain us until we die. We are not neutral, objective observers. Actually, the very concept of observer is disputable – as modern physics, on the one hand and Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, have shown.

Imagine that a mad scientist has succeeded to infuse all the water in the world with a strong hallucinogen. At a given moment, all the people in the world see a huge flying saucer. What can we say about this saucer? Is it true? Is it "real"?

There is little doubt that the saucer does not exist. But who is to say so? If this statement is left unsaid – does it mean that it cannot exist and, therefore, is untrue? In this case (of the illusionary flying saucer), the statement that remains unsaid is a true statement – and the statement that is uttered by millions is patently false.

Still, the argument can be made that the flying saucer did exist – though only in the minds of those who drank the contaminated water. What is this form of existence? In which sense does a hallucination "exist"? The psychophysical problem is that no causal relationship can be established between a thought and its real life correlate, the brainwaves that accompany it. Moreover, this leads to infinite regression. If the brainwaves created the thought – who created them, who made them happen? In other words: who is it (perhaps what is it) that thinks?

The subject is so convoluted that to say that the mental is a mere subset of the material is to speculate

It is, therefore, advisable to separate the ontological from the epistemological. But which is which? Facts are determined epistemologically and statistically by conscious and intelligent observers. Their "existence" rests on a sound epistemological footing. Yet we assume that in the absence of observers facts will continue their existence, will not lose their "factuality", their real life quality which is observer-independent and invariant.

What about truth? Surely, it rests on solid ontological foundations. Something is or is not true in reality and that is it. But then we saw that truth is determined psychically and, therefore, is vulnerable, for instance, to hallucinations. Moreover, the blurring of the lines in Quantum, non-Aristotelian, logics implies one of two: either that true and false are only "in our heads" (epistemological) – or that something is wrong with our interpretation of the world, with our exegetic mechanism (brain). If the latter case is true that the world does contain mutually exclusive true and false values – but the organ which identifies these entities (the brain) has gone awry. The paradox is that the second approach also assumes that at least the perception of true and false values is dependent on the existence of an epistemological detection device.

Can something be true and reality and false in our minds? Of course it can (remember "Rashomon"). Could the reverse be true? Yes, it can. This is what we call optical or sensory illusions. Even solidity is an illusion of our senses – there are no such things as solid objects (remember the physicist's desk which is 99.99999% vacuum with minute granules of matter floating about).

To reconcile these two concepts, we must let go of the old belief (probably vital to our sanity) that we can know the world. We probably cannot and this is the source of our confusion. The world may be inhabited by "true" things and "false" things. It may be true that truth is existence and falsity is non-existence. But we will never know because we are incapable of knowing anything about the world as it is.

We are, however, fully equipped to know about the mental events inside our heads. It is there that the representations of the real world form. We are acquainted with these representations (concepts, images, symbols, language in general) – and mistake them for the world itself. Since we have no way of directly knowing the world (without the intervention of our interpretative mechanisms) we are unable to tell when a certain representation corresponds to an event which is observer-independent and invariant and when it corresponds to nothing of the kind. When we see an image – it could be the result of an interaction with light outside us (objectively "real"), or the result of a dream, a drug induced illusion, fatigue and any other number of brain events not correlated with the real world. These are observer-dependent phenomena and, subject to an agreement between a sufficient number of observers, they are judged to be true or "to have happened" (e.g., religious miracles).

To ask if something is true or not is not a meaningful question unless it relates to our internal world and to our capacity as observers. When we say "true" we mean "exists", or "existed", or "most definitely will exist" (the sun will rise tomorrow). But existence can only be ascertained in our minds. Truth, therefore, is nothing but a state of mind. Existence is determined by observing and comparing the two (the outside and the inside, the real and the mental). This yields a picture of the world which may be closely correlated to reality – and, yet again, may not. 

SUMBER : http://www.readbud.com/Articles/Philosophy/Fact-and-Truth

The Love Guru

Forget animated characters, Mike Myers is back in his first original role since Austin Powers and he doesn't disappoint. The Love Guru is a thinly veiled homage to Deepak Chopra, focusing on the travails of one guru who has to break a curse, reunite a couple and get a hockey team to the Stanley Cup. That's no small order, but you can expect hilarious hi-jinks to ensue.

Mike Myers doesn't miss a step in this comedy that centers around the star player of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Darren Roanoake, played to perfection by Romany Malco. Roanoke's wife is lured away by the star player of the LA Kings, Jacques Grand (Justin Timberlake) and it's up to the Love Guru to restore domestic harmony to get Malco back on his game.

With a cast that includes Jessica Alba and Ben Kingsley, it's hard to go wrong. Myers penned the original story with Graham Gordy and co-produces with Michael deLuca. It's been a tough road for Myers since the success of Austin Powers, and although he's turned out terrific performances in animated flicks, this marks his return to playing a human, something audiences have been waiting for with baited breath.

The premise behind the Love Guru Movie is not necessarily new, meshing the classic fish out water tale with a boy meets girl scenario, but Myers makes it work. His character, Pitka, is abandoned as a boy outside an ashram in India and is trained in the way of the guru. Coming to America, he finds fame as a self-help guru that caters to the stars.

Known for his unorthodox techniques, Pitka is hired on by the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jane Bullard (Alba). The team has been a victim of the Bullard Curse for forty years and it appears as though it has struck again in the form of disharmony in the marriage between Malco and his estranged wife. Timberlake is perfection in his role as the golden boy of the LA Kings who woos away said wife.

Given Myers love of Chopra and hockey, this is certainly a project made in heaven for the 45 year old star. Known for mixing life and art, Myers hits his stride in this movie, after disappointing audiences in his turn as the Cat and the Hat. He is definitely in his element in this zany comedy that features some of today's hottest rising stars. It's a smart career move for Myers and one that audiences will undoubtedly embrace, so long as he keeps himself in check.

The Love Guru is set to premier on June 20th in the United States. Expect a big roll out and a lot of coverage as Hollywood makes book on whether Myers can bring in the audiences. Given the popularity of the Shrek movies and Myers in general, most movie goers should be able to forgive Myers for his few missteps and thoroughly enjoy this fun and lighthearted comedy. 

SUMBER : http://www.readbud.com/Articles/Movies/The-Love-Guru